What are flies attracted to most? They’re attracted to easy rich food sources such as faeces, rotting meat, decomposing animals and fruits. After all, flies still have a primitive digestive system. They only seek nutrients they can easily process.

Aside from easy rich food sources, flies are also attracted to things that resemble nature. Through millions of years, they have evolved through their interaction with the natural environment (when office buildings and artificial light don’t yet exist).

Mimicking natural sunlight

That’s why fly light traps should resemble natural sunlight. Flies would then perceive those devices as non-threatening. Many companies even integrate a natural contrast grid to further emulate nature.

As a result, more flies will be attracted and captured. The key here is to understand the flies’ biological tendencies when designing means to capture them. This is what we do here at Vectothor wherein we design fly control lamps that emit rays which closely mimic natural sunlight (UV-A range emitted continuously).

Eliminating food sources

Flies continue to roam around in an area because there are food sources nearby. A few researches state that flies can detect food even a few kilometres away (may depend on the food source and wind conditions).

Notice how flies are fast to fly around your leftovers? It’s a result of their advanced antennae which have numerous and capable olfactory cells. These are responsible for their high level sense of smell.

With this understanding, we’re now better aware how to turn their strengths into our advantage. We can then implement specific ways to capture or control their numbers and presence by:

  • Promptly throwing the leftovers
  • Quickly cleaning up the spills
  • Throwing the rotting meat and overripe fruits


However, flies can still roam around even if your area is clean and disinfected. Perhaps they’re searching for food and your site is a gateway. Every once in a while, flies can still find their way.

What are flies attracted to most and how to capture them?

First step is to keep the area clean and eliminate the flies’ potential food sources. Second step is to capture them before they cause too much contamination (and causing distraction to you or your staff).

As mentioned above, modern fly control traps are specifically designed to take advantage of one of their biological tendencies (usage of UV-A light to mimic natural sunlight). These fly control lamps can be your last line of defence (and best form of offence) because they prevent flies from roaming around too much.

Contact us today here at Vectothor if you need scientifically designed fly control traps. We can provide you with excellent recommendations depending on the applications we’ll discuss.